Don’t vote for indicted Ken Paxton. Need we say more?
A list of reasons why indicted Ken needs to go.
The fact that our indicted attorney general stands a chance of being reelected is embarrassing enough for Texas.
Don’t add insult to injury by actually voting for him.
Need more convincing? Here's a list of reasons not to vote for Paxton, inspired by our former blogs highlighting his disgraceful record as Texas attorney general.
1. For an attorney general, Paxton doesn’t seem to have much regard for laws and ethics.
At this point, the name Ken Paxton might as well be synonymous with indicted.
- Ken Paxton’s Double Standard
- Ken Paxton Takes Unethical $100K "Gift"
- Texas Could Elect A Felon As Attorney General
- Attorney General Caught Paying Former Employees, Progress Texas Asks Auditor to Investigate
- Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton Is the Worst. Here’s Why.
In addition to his shady dealings, Paxton has reprehensible stances on almost all of the key issues.
2. Paxton does not think LGBTQIA+ people deserve basic rights.
- Attorney General Ken Paxton Denies Texans Marriage Benefits
- 300 Republicans Write Brief Supporting Marriage Equality - Zero Texas Republican Leaders Sign On
- How the Texas GOP Uses “Religious Freedom” to Discriminate Against LGBT Texans
- Embarrassing: Texas Attorney General Tries to Defy Marriage Ruling
3. Paxton wants to shame women and take away their reproductive freedoms.
- Indicted Attorney General Ken Paxton’s War on Reproductive Healthcare
- Texas GOP Get Back to Basics: Shaming Women with Fetal Burial Laws
- Three Big Lies Told About Planned Parenthood
- How Texas' Fake Health Clinics (and Republican Politicians) Are Lying to Women
4. Paxton sued the federal government to end DAPA and DACA.
5. Paxton wants to defund the ACA and strip away protections for pre-existing conditions.
Don’t vote for Ken. Don’t embarrass Texas.
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