Progress Texas Podcast Network

Progress Texas Podcast
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Our Progress Texas Happy Hour podcast features insider analysis with a lighthearted take on major issues, events, and players in Texas politics. We've highlighted elected officials, foreign policy experts, advocates, and candidates in a panel format that brings gender and ethnic diversity and always seeks to give listeners a reason to keep coming back for more! Over the past two years, our podcast has grown to be one of the top 3% podcasts globally, as ranked by podcast search engine

Progress Texas also provides a DAILY update for Texas progressives, incorporating rapid response on the most important developments and issues, including substantial coverage of abortion, climate, and democracy news. The Progress Texas Daily Dispatch is posted every weekday morning, and delivers the biggest news stories Texas progressives need to know to start their day, plus stories they shouldn’t miss - all in less than 10 minutes! Chris Mosser breaks down Texas-sized stories in new episodes M-F, keeping Texas progressives up to speed on the ongoing fight for progressive change.

More than half of our listeners are younger than 45, with 58% between the ages 23 and 44.

To reach our younger target audience, we are taking the Daily Dispatch to our youngest viewers on TikTok and Instagram Reels in straight-to-camera videos from young, diverse Progress Texas associates, fellows, and interns. 


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