November 2, 2015 Point - Counterpoint: Ryan, Cruz and Carson November 2, 2015 Point - Counterpoint: Ryan, Cruz and Carson
October 26, 2015 Top 10 Extreme Policy Positions of Ted Cruz October 26, 2015 Top 10 Extreme Policy Positions of Ted Cruz
October 26, 2015 Paul Ryan Was Against Paid Leave Before He Was For It October 26, 2015 Paul Ryan Was Against Paid Leave Before He Was For It
October 22, 2015 Texas Officials Further Abuse Power, Subpoena Planned Parenthood Patient Records October 22, 2015 Texas Officials Further Abuse Power, Subpoena Planned Parenthood Patient Records
October 20, 2015 Four New Polls Added to Texas Polling Center October 20, 2015 Four New Polls Added to Texas Polling Center
October 14, 2015 Why Would Marco Rubio Supporter Jason Villalba Compare Bernie Sanders to a Nazi? October 14, 2015 Why Would Marco Rubio Supporter Jason Villalba Compare Bernie Sanders to a Nazi?
September 23, 2015 Senators Cornyn, Cruz Respond to Their Lack of Female Judicial Nominees September 23, 2015 Senators Cornyn, Cruz Respond to Their Lack of Female Judicial Nominees
September 9, 2015 Cruz Super PAC Leader Thinks Bible Prohibits Cure for AIDS September 9, 2015 Cruz Super PAC Leader Thinks Bible Prohibits Cure for AIDS
September 9, 2015 Justice Suffers While Cruz Delays Judicial Nominations September 9, 2015 Justice Suffers While Cruz Delays Judicial Nominations
August 25, 2015 Point - Counterpoint: Trump's wall and Clinton's emails August 25, 2015 Point - Counterpoint: Trump's wall and Clinton's emails
August 25, 2015 Point-Counterpoint: Rick Perry's financial troubles August 25, 2015 Point-Counterpoint: Rick Perry's financial troubles
August 13, 2015 The Incredible Shrinking Rick Perry August 13, 2015 The Incredible Shrinking Rick Perry