March 2, 2021 Texans shouldn’t have to fill ICU beds in order to fulfill Greg Abbott’s agenda March 2, 2021 Texans shouldn’t have to fill ICU beds in order to fulfill Greg Abbott’s agenda
February 11, 2021 Texas Republicans’ attack on Planned Parenthood is failing February 11, 2021 Texas Republicans’ attack on Planned Parenthood is failing
February 4, 2021 Rosie’s Law would help create the repro health future Texans need February 4, 2021 Rosie’s Law would help create the repro health future Texans need
February 1, 2021 5 reasons why Greg Abbott isn’t pro-life just anti-abortion February 1, 2021 5 reasons why Greg Abbott isn’t pro-life just anti-abortion
January 21, 2021 Recent SCOTUS abortion pill case foreshadows rulings to come January 21, 2021 Recent SCOTUS abortion pill case foreshadows rulings to come
January 4, 2021 Texans must be heard this Legislative Session (Español) January 4, 2021 Texans must be heard this Legislative Session (Español)
December 17, 2020 Top 10 Best and Worst Texans of 2020 December 17, 2020 Top 10 Best and Worst Texans of 2020
December 15, 2020 Republicans hold up aid as hungry Texans wait hours in line for food December 15, 2020 Republicans hold up aid as hungry Texans wait hours in line for food
December 14, 2020 Will Americans take the COVID-19 vaccine? December 14, 2020 Will Americans take the COVID-19 vaccine?
December 14, 2020 Medicaid expansion is a moral imperative December 14, 2020 Medicaid expansion is a moral imperative
December 10, 2020 Texas is broke. Reforming marijuana laws could help bridge our deficit. December 10, 2020 Texas is broke. Reforming marijuana laws could help bridge our deficit.