STATEMENT: Texas Supreme Court Fails Pregnant Texans

Both Cox and Zurawski Cases Rejected

Texans Will be Denied Necessary Medically Treatment

78% of Texas Voters Think Abortion Should be Allowed

TEXAS – On Friday, the Texas Supreme Court ruled against saving Texans’ lives, against Amanda Zurawski, 19 other plaintiffs, and 2 doctors, and against a constitutional challenge noting the abortion medical exceptions were broad enough as written. Zurawski v. Texas was a landmark case, the first of its kind against a near total state abortion ban on behalf of women with complicated pregnancies. 

“Yes, the current medical exceptions are broad, enough for countless women, and disproportionately impacting marginalized Texans, to fall in the gap between our abortion ban and doctors’ capabilities, putting their lives in the hands of luck and not lawmakers or courts,” said Advocacy Manager Reagan Stone. “It is reprehensible that the court refused to step in today, failing to protect Texan women and all pregnant people. Lives will be lost, health put in dire circumstances, and even fertility at risk because of this ruling.”

“We know the courts won’t save us because extremist Republican judges — out of step with Texans on abortion rights — rule the Texas Supreme Court,” said Kathleen Thompson, executive director at Progress Texas. “Three Texas Supreme Court seats are on our November ballot meaning abortion is on the ballot. Texans can turn their anger into action and vote for a Roevolution.”

Progress Texas is a rapid response media organization promoting progressive messages and actions. For updates follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.



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