Rio Grande Valley voters protest ‘Sucio Lucio’ ahead of March Primary

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Photo courtesy Texas Rising Action
Senator Eddie Lucio Jr. has a 30-year record of putting extremist politics before constituents.

On Tuesday afternoon, Rio Grande Valley advocates with Texas Rising Action gathered in front of Senator Eddie Lucio Jr.’s office in Brownsville to protest his continued anti-abortion and anti-LGBTQIA+ track record. 

Lucio is well-known for supporting discrimination against LGBTQIA+ Texans, opposing women’s right to make their own reproductive health care decisions, and scheming to take money away from public schools.

In fact, Lucio’s office closed early on Tuesday, assumably to avoid facing constituents who are advocating for change.

This isn’t the first time Lucio has avoided meeting with constituents, and his track record shows that he sides with the likes of Greg Abbott, Dan Patrick and Donald Trump on issue after issue.

  • He was the only Democrat to support Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick’s transphobic “bathroom bill” and other legislation to justify discrimination against LGBTQIA+ Texans.

  • He was the only Democrat to vote for increased abortion restrictions, the same restrictions that then-Senator Wendy Davis filibustered for 11 hours. 

  • He was the only Senate Democrat to vote for school vouchers, which take money away from public schools.

Lucio is no progressive champion for the Rio Grande Valley. The 2020 Democratic primary is the first serious primary challenge Lucio has faced in years, and it’s an opportunity for progressive residents in the Valley to demonstrate their growing political power and vote against Sen. Eddie Lucio. 


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