My First Week as Executive Director

Last week, I started as the new Executive Director at Progress Texas. I was only here for a few hours before our team was making national news in leading the way to debunk nutty claims about the IRS from right wing groups. It was a wild first day, and by 5pm, Progress Texas had shaped news coverage on ABC News, Bloomberg, CNN, MSNBC, NPR, Slate and many others.

And now we’re keeping a close eye on the Texas Capitol and the end of the legislative session. As the final bills are being passed and a budget deal is ironed out, we will let you know about the hits – and the misses – once the final gavel comes down.

My first week here has been a busy one – but the importance of setting the record straight and fighting for what we believe in makes it all worthwhile.

You can help us fight for these important issues by donating $10 today.

Texas politics is changing, and with that change comes a need to aggressively fight for issues we believe in, ones not always reflected in our public policy; access to healthcare, improving education, environmental protection, equal rights, economic opportunity, a fair judiciary and accountability in public affairs.

Effecting change is never easy – but it’s always worth it.

Please consider supporting our efforts with a contribution of $10.