Black History Month 2019 events across Texas

Wesley Story headshot

Wesley Story

Communications Manager

Educational and celebratory events are scheduled throughout Texas for this month. Find the ones near you.

February is Black History Month, a month recognized as a time to celebrate the strides and achievements black people have made throughout history.

In an effort to avoid whitewashing the black experience, we all have a duty to inform ourselves about black history and our nation’s failures both in the past and in the present when it comes to the treatment of black people. This does not just take the form of the black history many of us are taught in school.

Carter G. Woodson, known as the “father of black history,” helped write black Americans into the nation's history when he realized textbooks often ignored the black experience. Eventually, Woodson developed Negro History Week, which later expanded into Black History Month.

Woodson’s intentions were not just to designate a specific period of time to cram in as much information about a few civil rights leaders as possible while whitewashing their stories. Woodson knew black history and American history were one in the same and wanted that history represented accurately in our society.

The revisionist history that many Americans have adopted as a way to celebrate Black History Month without discomfort and without addressing the problems we still face as a nation must end.   

This month is a reminder that there is no American history without black history. Black people built this nation and their history should not be erased or reframed to appease white people.

Black History Month events happening across Texas:


February 13: Poetry on the Plaza: Black History Month

February 16: Black History Month Kid's Day!

February 16: I Am Black History

February 21: _OF COLOR Black History Month Art Exhibition

February 26: The State of Black Journalism

In addition to these events, you can visit the Barbara Jordan exhibit at the Texas Capitol and the George Washington Carver Museum.


February 17: Black History Month Festival

February: 7 events to celebrate Black History Month in Dallas-Fort Worth


February 15: Emancipation Park Conservancy presents: Movie in the Park

February 25: Black History Month and talking with Black Women Judges

San Antonio:

February 23: I Am Black History

February (all month): Black History Month 2019: "Black Migrations"

El Paso:

February 15: Black History Month 2019

February 23: Black History Parade

Editorial Note: Progress Texas is not an organizer of these events. If you have a Black History Month event or celebration you would like to add to the list, please send information to


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