NEA launches TV ad campaign on American Jobs Act

Next time you turn on your TV you might be seeing an ad from the National Education Association (NEA).  The NEA has launched a multi-state television ad campaign today urging Congress to pass the American Jobs Act.   In addition to Texas, this ad will be airing in Massachusetts, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Virginia and DC.

The NEA chose to air the ad in Texas because of the devastating effects the recent conservative budget cuts have had, especially to public education.

NEA President Dennis Van Roekel had the following to say about the bill:

The American Jobs Act is a win-win for the American people.  Congress can choose to put students ahead of political gridlock by supporting a bill that puts Americans back to work, modernizes our schools, and puts educators in classrooms instead of on the unemployment lines.

The fact is that educators know firsthand the devastating impact the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression is having on our communities, our schools and students.  Children can’t learn if they’re hungry. They can’t learn if their family can’t afford to see a dentist or a doctor. They can’t learn if they’re anxious, nervous or have low self-esteem due to living in poverty. Unemployment isn’t just an economic issue – it’s an education issue.

Visit the NEA website to read more about their efforts to protect and improve public education across the country.



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