Thank You Senators Wendy Davis and Sylvia Garcia

Earlier today, we called on Progress Texas members to contact their State Senators and urge them to vote against the first draft of the state budget. The response was tremendous. While our voices were heard, the bill passed. The final vote was 29 to 2. The Texas House will present their version of the budget in the coming weeks, then the two chambers will meet in conference to hammer out a final version by the time the Legislature ends in May. We promise we will be watching this process closely and holding elected officials accountable for the remainder of session and beyond. 

In the first major vote, the Texas Senate passed the budget (SB1) and knowingly moved the bill forward even though it does not adequately fund public education or healthcare. This budget fails to restore the devastating cuts made to education in 2011, it fails to provide any funding for expanding Medicaid, and it needlessly leaves billions in unspent revenue on the table instead of investing in future generations of Texans.

Thankfully, two of our strongest Senators listened to your calls, stood up for what is right, and demanded we fight for the best possible future for Texas.

Help us thank Senators Wendy Davis and Sylvia Garcia for voting against this draft of the budget and showing they believe we should invest in the future of our state. We hope you will show your support for Senators Davis and Garcia today by calling them in their office or going to social media to show your support: 

In 29-2 vote, this is true leadership. These two great women showed the courage of their conviction to do what is right and what is necessary to change the face of power in Texas. Tell these two leaders thank you for representing all of Texas and doing the right thing throughout the entire process.



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