Praying for votes

Governor Rick Perry has again reaffirmed his belief that prayer, not work, will solve all of our problems. A few days ago Rick Perry issued a proclamation declaring August 6th a “Day of Prayer and Fasting.” Instead of praying for rain like he called on Texans to do in April in response to the devastating wildfires in West Texas, he is calling on all U.S. citizens and governors to pray to solve problems ranging from our economy to terrorism to natural disasters. "Right now, America is in crisis: we have been besieged by financial debt, terrorism, and a multitude of natural disasters. As a nation, we must come together and call upon Jesus to guide us through unprecedented struggles, and thank Him for the blessings of freedom we so richly enjoy . . ." Perry 2012 here we come. Seriously, which is the more ridiculous pandering move for the social conservative vote in 2012- Sarah Palin’s “One Nation” family bus tour or Rick Perry’s “The Response”? When have we lost so much trust in our democratic system that the only way to get out of a crisis is to believe that the only hope for America “lies in heaven, and we will find it on our knees,” as Perry has proclaimed? Perry complains about the economic situation in our country, however he helped lead Texas right into the budget crisis we face today. Instead of just praying for this to go away, maybe he should actually take concrete steps towards fixing it?




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