Help Preserve Your Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid Benefits

These programs provide support for millions of hard working Americans.

The National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare has released an online video in part of a newly launched multi-million dollar “Hands Off -No Cuts” campaign—a coast-to-coast effort combining grassroots mobilization, advertising and social media to stop the Congressional Super Committee from proposing cuts to Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid, programs which are vital to millions of middle-class Americans.

82% of Democrats, 73% of Independents and 58% of Republicans support a no-cuts approach to Social Security and Medicare to balance the budget deficit. 94% of Democrats, 82% of Democrats, and 64% of Republicans support raising taxes on the wealthy rather than cutting Social Security and Medicare benefits.

But cutting Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid is a still a priority among many members of the Congressional deficit supercommittee.

Americans have paid into Social Security and Medicare their entire lives. These programs provide support for millions of hard working Americans.  Social Security has absolutely nothing to do with the debt. Cutting America’s retirement and healthcare promises is fiscally irresponsible. As citizens and taxpayers, we need to let the supercommittee know that we’re sick and tired of being undermined so insatiable 1% live more lavishly. Watch the video and see how you can help.


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