Farmers Branch Still Trying to Kick Out Undocumented Immigrants from Apartments

After spending nearly $6 million in legal fees, the city of Farmers Branch, TX is back in court again, trying to defend a city ordinance that would make it illegal for landlords to rent apartments to undocumented immigrants. The city is hoping the new ruling on Arizona's SB 1070 would give them a chance to win their case.

The ordinance requires all renters to obtain a $5 city license. They must fill out an application that checks their legal status. The city's building inspector could then check their status and deny permits to those who are in the country illegally. Any landlord that knowingly rents to an undocumented immigrant could be fined or have their renters' license barred.

In March 2012 a 3-judge panel of the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals upheld a lower court's ruling that the ban was unconstitutional since enforcement of immigration laws is up to the federal government. Following the U.S. Supreme Court's ruling, Farmers Branch has successfully gotten the case re-heard before the full 5th Circuit Court of Appeals; the Court has asked lawyers on both sides of the case to consider SB 1070 when making their arguments. The hearings on the case began yesterday, Wednesday, September 19.

The topic was up for discussion last night on Fox 7 News Austin. Check out this video to learn more:


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