Dewhurst, Texas GOP Tout Doctor Who Thinks Women Need Permission to Work Outside the Home

David Dewhurst and Texas Republican lawmakers hosted a press conference Tuesday morning touting Steve Hotze, a Houston-area "doctor" who is suing to stop the Affordable Care Act being implemented in Texas. Hotze's rather insane beliefs include the idea that a woman must get permission from a man to work outside the home.

The following is an overview of Hotze's beliefs:

  • A wife may work outside the home only with her husband's consent
  • Birth control pills prevent "the production of women's biologically identical female hormones and pheromones, making them less attractive to men"
  • When men lose their testicles to disease or injury, they have difficulty reading a map, performing math problems and making decisions
  • All disease and disability is caused by the sin of Adam and Eve
  • Medical problems are frequently caused by personal sin
  • No doctor shall provide medical service on the Sabbath

​The following is the statement I released to the press about Hotze - because, I mean, seriously?

David Dewhurst and Greg Abbott oppose the Affordable Care Act because they believe in protecting corporate profits instead of protecting patient care. David Dewhurst should be embarrassed for lifting up the misogynistic nonsense of a snake oil salesman like Steve Hotze at the expense of providing better health care to Texans. If Dewhurst thinks Hotze is a reliable doctor, he must get his weather forecasts from a groundhog.


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