Conservatives: Women Just "Too Busy" for Equal Pay

We've been saying it for a while now: equal pay for equal work - it's not that complicated. But conservatives just can't get on board with the issue.

In this video, Cari Christman, Executive Director of Red State Women PAC, says an equal pay law is not a solution. The Texas Supreme Court disagrees with her, and 42 other states have passed a state-level version of the law.
Her reasoning? Women are just too busy for equal pay.

In the case of Prairie View A&M vs. Chatha, a female professor sued the university for wage discrimination. But Attorney General Greg Abbott defended Prairie View A&M, saying that a federal equal pay law, the Lilly Ledbetter Act, doesn't affect Texas' statute of limitations. The court agreed with Abbott that the federal law didn't apply in state court, and the professor lost.
Conservatives need to stop messin' with Texas women.


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