Texans support Medicaid access

Texans support Medicaid access, yet Republican lawmakers continue to dismantle our health care system.

A recent study from the Texas Medical Center revealed that more 60 percent of Texans believe the state would be healthier if more people had access to Medicaid. This comes after a poll this summer showed “64 percent of Texans feel like the state isn’t doing enough to address the health care needs of low-income adults.”

Yet, Republican lawmakers continue to reject expanding Medicaid.

Currently in Texas, Medicaid is only available to:

  • Women who are pregnant
  • Individuals who receive Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
  • Anyone who currently receives adoptive assistance
  • Low-income households that have kids under the age of 19

That’s it.

The expansion of Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act, currently being blocked by Texas officials, would provide an additional 1.2 million Texans with health insurance. Of that group, nearly 625,000 Texans would be covered who exist in the gap between not being able to afford care and not earning too much to be eligible.

If Medicaid were expanded, the federal government would cover 90 percent of those costs. But, instead of increasing access to quality medical care and supporting the will of their constituents, Republican lawmakers continue to play politics.

Access to quality care means a healthier state and reduced costs for everyone. It is clear the voter of Texas understand that simple fact, but why don’t Texas Republicans?


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