San Antonio Event: Texas Courts in Crisis

We need you to show your support for Texas Representatives Charlie Gonzalez (TX-20) and Lloyd Doggett (TX-25) for standing up and fighting to fill the judicial vacancies here in Texas.

Join Texans for a Fair Judiciary and U.S. Representatives Charlie Gonzalez and Lloyd Doggett for lunch on April 3rd for a discussion on the vacancy crisis in the Texas federal courts and what can be done to address this important issue.
Texas Courts In Crisis
April 3, 2012 
12:00pm - 1:00 p.m. (lunch provided)
St. Mary’s University School of Law 
One Camino Santa Maria
San Antonio, Texas 78228
Admission is free but RSVP is required. RSVP to
No matter the issue— immigration, health care, environment, privacy, voting rights, ethics—the federal court system will continue to play an increasingly important role in the lives of all Texans. Unfortunately the federal courts in Texas are in a state of emergency because there are not enough judges on the bench to hear the number of cases piling up. Today, Texas has seven empty federal trial and appellate court seats, six which have been deemed judicial emergencies. Pending nominees, Gregg Costa and David Guaderrama, have bipartisan support among Senate Judiciary Committee members but because of political games in Washington, they have waited more than six months to be confirmed.
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So save the date and come join us on April 3rd!


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