Progress Texas' New Executive Director!

Picture of Kathleen
Progress Texas Welcomes Kathleen Thompson as Our New Executive Director

Followers, listeners, allies, and supporters, we are proud to introduce Progress Texas Institute Board Chair Kathleen Thompson as our new executive director!

Kathleen is a professional communicator who helps candidates, political action committees, and nonprofits get noticed. She was most recently communications director for the Dallas County Democratic Party, which mobilized precinct chairs, activists, and voters to flip three county seats and nearly 90 precincts red to blue, resulting in a Dallas County government that's nearly all Democratic and more reflective of the county. She’s a former Texas Gun Sense advisory board member, Texas Democratic Party State Executive Committee member, the founder of the Grapevine, TX Veterans Day Parade, and leader of successful local campaigns for public safety and ethics.

“I’m proud to help write the next chapter for Progress Texas, as we work hard to bring humor and positivity to the political scene and give Texans reliable, timely information, with the progressive side of story.” - Kathleen Thompson

As a non-profit media organization, Progress Texas believes that making a serious difference starts with shaping the narrative. News can be overwhelming, and we keep voters energized about the big issues of the day.

We reach millions of Texans each month with smart, funny, and hard hitting content that stands out from the rest of the clutter online. Our work seeks to inspire engagement and give voice to a growing majority of people, with the ultimate goal of leading to a more representative democracy.  

Join us in welcoming Kathleen as our new executive director! While campaigns come and go, Progress Texas is here to stay. Help us build a more progressive Texas with a donation of any amount!  Progressive media infrastructure is worth your investment!







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