Progress Texas Endorsements for March Primaries

Primary Endorsements 2024
Early Voting Starts Tuesday, Feb 20

Toplines & Key Facts: 

  • Progress Texas Endorses in Highly Contested Primary Races
  • Important Dates to know:
    • Early Voting: Feb. 20 - March 1
    • Last Day to Apply for Ballot by Mail: Feb. 23
    • Election Day: Tuesday, March 5

Primary Election

This year’s general election in November is paramount to the future of Texas. But before your November vote, your community, state, and nation need your participation in the March Primaries. You have options in picking the best candidate in all your contested primaries, and we’re here to help! 

Endorsed Candidates for Congress:

Congressional District 15

Michelle Vallejo is a small business owner and fierce community advocate from South Texas. In a rematch for TX-15, she will take back her historically blue district running on bringing down healthcare costs, securing good-paying jobs and a thriving economy, and protecting reproductive rights. This is a personal fight for her. Her mother, who passed aways several years ago, was forced to travel to Mexico for healthcare due to lack of options here in Texas. 

“South Texas deserves a champion that will fight for them every single day in Congress to lower costs for families, expand access to affordable and quality health care, protect Social Security and Medicare, and defend reproductive freedom.” – Michelle Vallejo for Congress

Congressional District 24

Sam Eppler is our choice for Texas Congressional District 24 in North Texas. The former math teacher and high school principal is the pro-democracy, economic growth, and public education champion his district needs to beat a MAGA extremist incumbent in November.  A top priority of his is to provide a good education in a safe school to build a brighter future for everyone, in every zip code.

“The zip code you grow up in is the single biggest factor in determining if you will succeed in life. That’s not fair, and we need to fix it so every child has the opportunity to live the American Dream.” — Sam Eppler for Congress

ICYMI, here’s Sam’s inspiring visit with us on the Progress Texas Happy Hour. 

Congressional District 32

We endorse State Representative Julie Johnson (HD 115) for Texas’ 32nd Congressional District. In the highly contested race for Colin Allred’s seat, with several strong candidates, Johnson’s record as a lawyer and lawmaker stands out, championing women, workers, and LGBTQ+ Texans. Johnson turned HD 115 red to blue back in 2018, and has the experience to turn the tables in Washington D.C., to make the government work for us on reproductive justice, gun violence protection, and affordable healthcare.

“As a gay married woman, and adoptive mother to two wonderful kids, I know what it’s like to be up against the wall of discrimination in Texas. I am committed to advancing equality for all Americans regardless of race, gender identity, sexual orientation, or socioeconomic status. The fight for true equality is personal for me.” — Julie Johnson for Congress

Endorsed Candidate for Texas House:

Texas House District 146

Lauren Ashley Simmons, a challenger running for Texas HD 146, is a mom and union organizer whose platform centers public education, universal and affordable healthcare, workers rights, and defending democracy. Her opponent, the current state representative, Rep. Shawn Thierry, votes with Gov. Abbott to destroy our public schools. She’s also faced public scandals for voting with extremists to attack LGBTQ+ Texans, and creating “abusive” work environments. In contrast, Simmons is a black, queer woman, who will fight for those who are tired, frustrated, and who feel unheard by the people who are supposed to be serving them.

“I know what it’s like to be without power and keep fighting. I went literally overnight from being a comfortable middle-class kid to a 19-year-old mom on food stamps. The Black women in low-income apartments where I lived taught me how to survive. I owe them a debt. That’s why I do what I do. I know just how powerful strong communities are, how the love, generosity and wisdom of others can lift us up. For these reasons and so many more,  I hope to earn your vote and the privilege of being a progressive voice and a fierce advocate for you in the state legislature.”— Lauren Ashley Simmons for State Representative

Endorsed Candidate for Texas Railroad Commission:

Bill Burch is a career engineer running for the Texas Railroad Commission. He will bring 23 years of energy industry experience—including time as an emergency responder for the Deepwater Horizon spill—expertise of sustainable energy practices, and a sense of integrity and accountability the agency is critically missing. 

"I will uphold the highest ethical standards to rebuild confidence in the Railroad Commission. I am committed to strengthening whistleblower protections to ensure that employees can report misconduct without consequences. Higher standards must be put in place to stop illegal business practices and the widespread exploitation of workers, particularly undocumented." — Bill Burch for Texas Railroad Commissioner

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