Perry Spent $2.7M of taxpayers' dollars on campaign

Perry's 160-day vanity trip is now regarded as one of the three worst presidential campaigns in history, and we are the ones stuck footing the bill.

Rick Perry is just another cut and spend conservative. He cut out public sector jobs and told corporations not to pay their fair share last session. Then he decided to embarrass Texans by running an utterly amateurish Presidential campaign for a mere 160 days. As we mentioned yesterday, he has wasted nearly $2.7 million taxpayer dollars on airfare, baggage fees, food and even parking.

According to records from the Texas Department of Public Safety, we can project Perry’s security-related travel costs from the day he officially announced his candidacy to when he suspended his campaign on January 19. The $2,651,429.14 in Texas tax dollars he's wasted on jet liners and fancy hotels is money we'll never see again unless Perry pays us back.


Luckily, Rick Perry can pay taxpayers back today. According to Rick Perry’s latest ethics report, his state PAC has $2.47 million in the bank. He could repay 93% of what he owes us today by writing one simple check.

We all know Perry can afford it. After all, he's already retired from his job, drawing a full-time salary and retirement salary so he can earn enough to be with all his corporate friends in the 1%. And now he thinks he's going to take all that money and go live in his $10,000 taxpayer funded rental mansion without paying any of it back. Rick Perry has taken taxpayer money to subsidize his rise to the top 1%. That's unacceptable.

Sign our petition and tell Rick Perry to pay back the $2.7 million he owes our state.


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