Medicaid Expansion: Momentum Is On Our Side

Support for expanding Medicaid in Texas and across the country is gaining momentum. And momentum is on our side!

In recent weeks, Republican governors in New Mexico, Nevada, North Dakota, Ohio and Michigan have all ended their partisan opposition to Medicaid expansion - a key provision in President Obama's historic Affordable Care Act legislation.

Can Texas be next? Absolutely, but we need your support and action to make it possible.

Sign this petition and tell your Texas legislator right now that Texas and its residents need Medicaid expansion! Call on their public support to expand Medicaid today.

In response to the 3,200 Texans who have already taken action, several elected officials have responded and publicly reaffirmed their support for expansion including: Sen. Carlos Uresti, Sen. Kirk Watson, Rep. Trey Martinez Fischer, Rep. Donna Howard, Rep. Eric Johnson, Rep. Elliott Naishtat, Rep. Joe Pickett, and Rep. Justin Rodriquez. We know many more lawmakers support our position, and we are calling and working to confirm their support in the coming days. In the mean time, they need to hear your voice!

Even Texas Republicans are beginning to warm up to the idea of Medicaid expansion. Republican Texas Senator Jane Nelson, head of the Health and Human Services Committee, stated that federal Medicaid expansion was a possibility in Texas.

While Governor Rick Perry and Lt. Governor David Dewhurst fight Medicaid expansion as they pander to Tea Party activists - momentum and public opinion is on our side.

Take action right now. Tell your Texas legislator we need their public support to expand Medicaid!


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