List: Texas Republicans Endorsing Donald Trump

Despite months of questioning his conservatism, these Republicans would rather support Trump than stick to their own principles.

As Donald Trump settles into his role as the Republican presidential nominee, some of Texas’ top Republicans have been quick to endorse him and call for their party to unite against the Democrats.

Governor Abbott, Lieutenant. Governor Dan Patrick, and others have fallen in line behind Trump after staunchly supporting Sen. Ted Cruz over Trump in the primaries.

Having previously called Drumpf a “cancer on conservatism”, Rick Perry has now decided he is even open to being Trump's running mate. Despite months of questioning his conservatism, these Republicans would rather support Trump than stick to their own principles.

Even those Texas Republicans who remain hesitant to support Trump are in a bind.  They may still refuse to run with Trump, but when he’s set to be at the top of their party’s November ticket, they won’t be able to run from him.

Here’s a list of some of the more prominent Texas Republicans who have endorsed Trump already. We’ll update this list periodically as we get closer and closer to November.




John Cornyn U.S. Senate Texas Observer

Greg Abbott


Texas Tribune

Dan Patrick Lieutenant Governor Texas Tribune
George P. Bush Land Commissioner Texas Tribune
Sid Miller Ag Commissioner KFYO - Lubbock
Ryan Sitton Railroad Commissioner   Texas Tribune
Rick Perry Former Governor CNN

Michael Burgess

U.S. House

Texas Tribune

Brian Babin U.S. House Fox Business
Joe Barton U.S. House McClatchy DC
Kevin Brady U.S. House Texas Tribune
Michael Burgess U.S. House McClatchy DC
John Carter U.S. House Austin American-Statesman
Mike Conway U.S. House Drumpf Campaign
John Culberson U.S. House Texas Tribune
Blake Farenthold U.S. House Austin American-Statesman
Jeb Hensarling U.S. House Drumpf Campaign
Randy Neugebauer U.S. House Texas Tribune
Pete Olson U.S. House Texas Tribune
John Ratcliffe U.S. House Ratcliffe Campaign
Pete Sessions U.S. House Drumpf Campaign
Lamar Smith U.S. House Drumpf Campaign
Bob Hall Texas Senate Evan Smith (Twitter)
Kelly Hancock Texas Senate Evan Smith (Twitter)
Lois Kolkhorst Texas Senate KFYO - Lubbock
Rodney Anderson Texas House Evan Smith (Twitter)
Cindy Burkett Texas House Evan Smith (Twitter)
Tom Mechler Texas GOP Party Chair Texas Tribune

Last Update: 8/16/16


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