Greg Abbott Doesn't Want Fair Remedial Redistricting Maps

Attorney General Greg Abbott either doesn’t understand the Constitution, or just doesn’t care. In the last week, he has rejected the separation of church and state - a founding American principal - and has called for making the 2011 interim redistricting maps, which are "essentially unconstitutional", permanent.

Dallas Observer blog :

“As you may recall, Texas' 2011 plan to redraw political boundaries was so brazenly partisan, so undeniably bent on reducing minority influence, and the evidence was so mountainous and convincing that a federal court didn't even bother cataloging it all in its ruling against the state. "The parties have provided more evidence of discriminatory intent than we have space, or need, to address here."

You could practically hear emanating from between the lines a judge chortling, "Can you believe the cojones on these guys?"

Now, Abbott is calling for Texas Speaker of the House Joe Strauss to make the interim districts that were drawn up by the federal court permanent.

According to the letter he wrote to Strauss, Abbott believes that by not drawing up final districts for the federal court to approve the state will be able to "avoid further intervention from federal judges." He hopes to dodge a decision on final districts from the court so when Shelby v. Holder is ruled on by the Supreme Court, no one will be looking over Texas' unconstitutional redistricting. In the meantime, by enacting those interim plans drawn by the the federal court,  Abbott can make it appear that Texas "fully comports with the law" which stops "the State's redistricting plans from further legal challenge."

The Mexican American Legislative Caucus responded saying:

The attempt of the State of Texas to circumvent the  judicial process through legislation that fails to provide a final remedial redistricting plan for Texas House and Texas Congressional Districts is even more reason for this Court to begin the process that will lead to a final and just remedial plan for future Texas elections.

Abbott clearly doesn't want federal eyes on Texas redistricting so that if and when the courts do finally turn their backs on Texas, the state can return to it's racially biased ways and avoid honest elections through constitutional districts.


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