COMING SOON: Adds Commonly-Spoken Languages to Increase Ballot Access!

GoVoteTexas languages
New Translations Include Vietnamese, Mandarin Chinese, and Hindi

Years ago, Progress Texas created the user-friendly, empowering, 501c3-compliant website to help voters keep track of election deadlines and answer common FAQS about changing registration and voting laws. In 2020, with English and Spanish options, we had nearly 21,000 visitors. 

But there is so much more we can do. We see growing enthusiasm about voting in November, but too many first and second generation Americans are still facing voter suppression in the form of language barriers — and the Texas Secretary of State COULD translate crucial voting resources into Texas’ top most spoken languages like Vietnamese and Mandarin Chinese (3rd and 4th) — but they haven't. We want to fill that gap.

That’s why we are proud to announce that will be available in all new translations to Vietnamese, Mandarin Chinese, and Hindi by Labor Day! Please share this major update to our handy resource to help us increase ballot access for our neighbors whose native language is Vietnamese, Mandarin Chinese, and Hindi by translating the GoVoteTexas website.

Annie Mulligan, The Texas Tribune

The Asian American and Pacific Islander community are the fastest-growing ethnic group in the United States - but in Texas politics, they are ignored at best, and demonized at worst. Last year, Asian Texans for Justice commissioned their first statewide poll of AAPI voters. A majority (64%) reported being highly motivated to vote in the 2022 midterm elections. Nearly half of all respondents said there are not enough language access resources. 

Support our mission in getting EVERY Texan to the polls and share our social media fundraiser on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram

Increasing access to ever-changing information surrounding voting laws correlates to higher turn out in elections. Right now, Texas only has two languages on its official state voter registration site and only saw 66% of eligible voters turn out in 2020. Whereas, Minnesota has ten languages on their state voter registration site and saw 80% of eligible voters turn out in 2020. Since six million eligible Texas voters didn’t make it to the polls in 2020, we’re building the infrastructure necessary to reach them.

Your donation helps thousands of new, diverse voters have their say in November! Can we count on your support?

myJon, Creative Commons/ Cronkite News

Many Texas 501(c)(3) non-profit organizations rely on GoVoteTexas to help their constituencies vote. GoVoteTexas partners are listed below. 

The Afiya Center

All on the Line

Annie's List


Cambio Texas

Common Cause Texas

Deeds Not Words

Environment Texas

Equality Texas


League of Women Voters


Move Texas

Planned Parenthood



Texas Civil Rights Project

Texas Freedom Network

Texas Organizing Project

Texas Rising

Whole Woman’s Health Alliance

Workers Defense Project