The Staggering Scope and Injustice of Transgender Discrimination in Texas

Study reports on the specific experiences of transgender and gender non-conforming individuals here in the Lone Star State


Released this week, a study by the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force and the National Center for Transgender Equality, reports on the specific experiences of transgender and gender non-conforming individuals here in the Lone Star State. The results are disturbing and show a trend of discrimination starting from childhood education and extending through adulthood, affecting jobs, healthcare, housing, economic status, public services, and interactions with government employees, including police officers and judges.

Among the data, some of the most astonishing statistics include:

  • 79% reported experiencing harassment or mistreatment on the job

  • 85% reported harassment, 46% reported physical violence, and 9% reported sexual violence during their K-12 years

  • 47% were verbally harassed or disrespected in a place of public accommodation or service, including hotels, restaurants, buses, airports and government agencies

  • 41% reported attempting suicide at some point in their life, 26 times the rate of the general population of 1.6%

  • 16% were refused medical care due to their gender identity/expression

  • 23% of those who have interacted with police reported harassment by officers

The hope now is that this information will help those working to empower and bring equality to transgender and gender non-conforming Texans. According to Chuck Smith, the interim executive director of Equality Texas:

“In our state, where the right of self-determination is so valued, it is unconscionable that anyone would be denied the ability to earn a living, to live where they choose or to be educated. Equality Texas calls on the members of the Texas Legislature to join us in working to ensure that all Texans are given the ability to live as their authentic selves.”

As we prepare for the next Texas legislative session in January, we will see which members are willing to stand up for the transgender community, and which ones will continue the cycle of discrimination and injustice.

Please see the full report, "Findings of the National Transgender Discrimination Survey: Texas Resultson the Equality Texas website.


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