Rick Perry's Walk of Shame

Governor Perry is preparing to go before a grand jury

Rick Perry has put an awful lot of effort into rebuilding his image over the years. Starting with his Agriculture Commissioner days as a ringer for the Marlboro Man, to his coyote-shooting trail runner days, up to his current eye glass wearing "divorced-dad-getting-back-out-there" look.

Adding an image of Rick Perry walking into a courtroom to testify in the briberygate scandal can really screw things up.

Governor Perry is preparing to go before a grand jury investigating criminal complaints against him, specifically charges of bribery and coercion for abusing powers of office to force the resignation of a District Attorney.

Perry's office made an unusual request this week: the Governor wants to enter in through the backdoor. Away from cameras, reporters and the public.

So while he's totally fine with you paying for his legal defense - he is not ok with you seeing it in action.

Whatever door he uses, he shouldn't let it hit him on the way out.


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