8 takeaways from the only #TXGovDebate between Lupe Valdez and Greg Abbott

Here are our eight takeaways from the only debate between the two major party candidates for Texas governor.
The debate took place on Friday, Sept. 28, though many Texans probably didn't watch it or know that it was happening. You can watch the full debate here and read up on a few quick takeaways below:
1. On transphobic Bathroom Bills:
.@GovAbbott refuses to answer whether or not he would sign a #BathroomBill from the #txlege. "I don't sign hypothetical bills," he says.
"I don't believe in laws that start out with fear," @LupeValdez says. #TeamLupe #VamosValdez #TXGovDebate— Progress Texas (@ProgressTX) September 29, 2018
2. On using the rainy day fund for Hurricane Harvey relief:
On #HurricaneHarvey: "He calls a special session for bathrooms, but not a special session for people dying," @LupeValdez says. "Governor, it rained." #TeamLupe #VamosValdez #TXGovDebate
— Progress Texas (@ProgressTX) September 29, 2018
3. On health care for all:
"@GovAbbott, will you stop your attack on pre-existing conditions?" @LupeValdez asks.
We believe more Texans should have access to affordable health insurance. #TeamLupe #VamosValdez #TXGovDebate— Progress Texas (@ProgressTX) September 29, 2018
4. On education:
Texas continues to slash its share of public education funding which forces local government to raise our property taxes.
.@LupeValdez says we need a public school finance system that gives all students a fair shot, regardless of where they live. #VamosValdez #TXGovDebate— Progress Texas (@ProgressTX) September 29, 2018
5. On comprehensive gun reform:
"Teachers should be teaching, not armed and on the defense," @LupeValdez says. #TeamLupe #VamosValdez #TXGovDebate
— Progress Texas (@ProgressTX) September 29, 2018
6. On protecting DREAMers:
.@LupeValdez is the only one on stage who will fight for #DREAMers, not deport them.
She will speak out against the inhumanity of #familyseparation, not silently condone it. #TeamLupe #VamosValdez #TXGovDebate— Progress Texas (@ProgressTX) September 29, 2018
7. On ending family separation:
.@LupeValdez says, "Family separation is cruel. Period... Families should have never been separated.
The #ShowMeYourPapers bill was one of the cruelest laws that was ever signed... Time to stop the hate." #TeamLupe #VamosValdez #TXGovDebate— Progress Texas (@ProgressTX) September 29, 2018
8. On legalizing and decriminalizing marijuana:
.@LupeValdez believes in decriminalizing marijuana. We needlessly incarcerate thousands of people and ruin their chances of becoming productive citizens.@GovAbbott says he'd like to work with #txlege to reduce possession of 2 oz. from a Class B to a Class C misdemeanor.
— Progress Texas (@ProgressTX) September 29, 2018
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