Ted Cruz Praises Racist Jesse Helms

Hard to believe that in this day and age someone would offer praise for people like the late Jesse Helms - but that's exactly what Senator Ted Cruz has been doing. As reported by Huffington Post, Ted Cruz made comments yesterday at a dinner in Washington, DC praising the former Senator for saying crazy things and added, "We need 100 more like Jesse Helms in the US Senate."

You have got to be kidding me.

Jesse Helms was a US Senator from North Carolina known for his outspoken positions against gay rights, abortion rights, and race relations. He voted against the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965, and staged a filibuster against the creation of a federal holiday honoring Martin Luther King, Jr. (he eventually caved in exchange for votes on a tobacco bill).

Ted Cruz went on to say that his first ever political contribution he made was a $10 donation to Jesse Helms.

Will you help us send a message to Ted Cruz by donating $10 to Progress Texas?

At Progress Texas we are committed to fighting for progressive issues such as equal rights, voting rights, reproductive rights, and many other issues we all care about. Basically we fight for all of the things that Jesse Helms - and now Ted Cruz - have been fighting against.

Texas deserves better.

Please consider donating $10 - or any amount you can afford - to help us keep up the fight for the progressive policies that we all believe in.


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