Sen. Leticia Van de Putte Reminds David Dewhurst That Veterans Matter

In a GOP primary debate last night, Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst suggested none of the committees led by Democrats matter. Democrat Sen. Leticia Van de Putte reminded him that Texas veterans - the committee she chairs - actually matter quite a lot.

From the Houston Chronicle, here's what Dewhurst said:

Patrick claimed that Democrats have been allowed to block legislation on sanctuary cities and school choice, largely because Dewhurst has given them too much power.

"I will not appoint half of the Democrats as chairman of committees," he said.

Dewhurst responded that Democrats led only 5 of 17 Senate committees, and assured the crowd that none of them was important.

State Senator Leticia Van de Putte (D-San Antonio) chairs the Senate Veterans Affairs & Military Installations Committee. She shot back at Dewhurst this morning on Twitter:

Thanks for standing up for veterans, Sen. Van de Putte.


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