Progressives Are Ahead of Schedule in 2014

In 2014, progressives saw the successful rebuilding of our grassroots base, including increased funding, a more sophisticated online presence and growing memberships. Organizations like ours will carry that momentum beyond the election.

We know that overcoming the Republican advantages of fundraising and infrastructure is going to take time, and this year’s collective organizing reflects long-term efforts to build a more progressive Texas.

Put simply, progressives are ahead of schedule in 2014.

We successfully pushed important issues into the public discussion, like equal pay, education funding, anti-corruption, abortion rights and access to affordable care - issues that for too long have not received enough attention in Texas.

And we forced conservatives to spend money defending Republican candidates during a general election – funds that might have otherwise gone to conservatives in other states, or which Republicans would have kept in their coffers for future elections.

We are encouraged that the Democratic Party was able to attract strong statewide candidates, that Wendy Davis ran a strong campaign, and that candidates for Lt. Governor, Attorney General and Comptroller received unanimous endorsements from the state’s biggest newspapers.



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