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Progress Texas Happy Hour Podcast
We recap the wild week in Texas politics. Grab a cold one and hang!
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“Vice President Harris has been Biden’s partner from the beginning of the most progressive presidency in American history, and they’ve made progress and wins on climate, cost savings, gun violence prevention and infrastructure."
Kathleen Thompson

“Democratic candidates needed to counter the “well-funded disinformation and anger machine” that is “working overtime to shape the narrative of this general election with racist ‘invasion’ and ‘poisoned blood’ language.”
Kathleen Thompson

“Texas and neighbor Louisiana are two of the top oil and gas exporters, and we have an interest in ensuring prices stay affordable here at home, that our families are safe from the high and long term costs of LNG on our health and local economies, and of course, not adding more fuel to the fire of our already scorching climate.”
Kathleen Thompson

“Americans paying attention see Texas as a warning of tyranny. We can end the misery in 2024, when we vote for candidates who support freedom to control our own bodies and futures, to freely choose our leaders, and to make a life in communities safe from crime and pollution.”
Kathleen Thompson

“Electricity is a basic component of civilized life, and the fact that Texans face this threat on the regular is a clear sign of the abject failure of decades of Republican statewide officials to put people over profits."
Chris Mosser

“Highly competitive and clean campaigns to win the Democratic Primary and eventually unseat Cancún Cruz can and will motivate our base and expand our electorate. We’re excited to watch these Democrats earn votes to send Ted off. The good news is — he’s already packed.”
Kathleen Thompson

"Don’t believe misinformation—self-managed abortion is effective, common, and safer than Tylenol. While we wait for Congress to codify Roe, Texas’...laws that criminalize folks for self-managing abortions also harm those who spontaneously miscarry. Pregnant Texans deserve care, not criminalization.”
Kathleen Thompson

“In passing permitless carry, Republicans are saying that you no longer need a license to carry a gun, but you still need one to vote. The public was not asking for this and voters overwhelmingly oppose the measure, but right wing legislators forced it through anyway.”
Ed Espinoza

“Gov. Abbott has spent the past year appeasing the far-right base. With 92% of Texans concerned about the state’s future, it’s a good year to be an outsider.”
Ed Espinoza

"Ding dong, the wicked bill is dead. Resilient Texans organized for months to kill Senate Bill 7, and on the very last day that it could pass, voters can finally celebrate its demise."
Wesley Story